1TGE120021R0110 Контроллер ABB
Швейцария, и входит в десятку крупнейших швейцарских транснациональных корпораций.1TGE120021R0110
химическая, нефтехимическая, фармацевтическая, целлюлозно – бумажная, нефтепереработка; Оборудование приборов: электронные приборы, телевизоры и оборудование для передачи данных,
генераторы, гидротехнические сооружения; Каналы связи: интегрированные системы, системы сбора и распространения;1TGE120021R0110Строительная промышленность: коммерческое и промышленное строительство.
The Maritime Link is a 500-megawatt high-voltage direct current link that enables clean, renewable energy
produced in Newfoundland and Labrador to
be transmitted to Nova Scotia”s North American grid, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The robust nature of
ABB”s solution will also enable Nova Scotia to integrate other renewable energy sources, such as wind energy,
and contribute to Canada”s emissions reduction efforts.
ABB officially delivers MariTIme Link power interconnection project
The lightweight HVDC technology used in the Maritime Link design is the world”s first bipolar
configuration using proven and reliable voltage source converters. This solution enhances system availability,
reduces losses and improves grid reliability, allowing power to continue to be transmitted even when a
conductor or converter is not in use. The converter station is equipped with an
advanced MACH control and protection system based on ABB Ability, which functions like the brain of the
high-voltage DC connection, monitoring, controlling and protecting cutting-edge technologies within the station,
and managing thousands of operations to ensure power reliability.
Its advanced fault levels and remote control capabilities also help protect against unexpected outages such as
lightning strikes.
“Our proven lightweight HVDC technology will enable the historic Maritime Link power interconnection
project to integrate and deliver clean renewable energy while enhancing grid stability and enabling power
sharing.” Patrick Fragman, head of ABB”s grid integration business “HVDC is a technology we have pioneered
and led and is an important part of the next phase of our strategy,
cementing our position as the partner of choice for a stronger, smarter and greener grid,” said the company.
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