1TGE102009R1011 Модуль ввода / вывода ABB
Швейцария, и входит в десятку крупнейших швейцарских транснациональных корпораций.1TGE102009R1011
химическая, нефтехимическая, фармацевтическая, целлюлозно – бумажная, нефтепереработка; Оборудование приборов: электронные приборы, телевизоры и оборудование для передачи данных,
генераторы, гидротехнические сооружения; Каналы связи: интегрированные системы, системы сбора и распространения;1TGE102009R1011Строительная промышленность: коммерческое и промышленное строительство.
The industry”s overall gross profit margin and net profit margin have continued to decline since 2017, and changes in gross profit margin and net profit margin in a
single quarter are negatively correlated or related to the pace of corporate expense control. In 2019Q1-3, the overall gross profit margin of the industry was 28.68%,
and the net profit margin was 5.54%. It has continued to decline since reaching a historical high in 2017,
and the decline curve has gradually flattened. It is expected that the overall gross profit margin decline is expected to stabilize in 2020, and the net profit margin may be
Ushering in upward repair. Judging from the changes in the industry”s overall gross profit margin and net profit margin in a single quarter, the two show a certain negative
correlation. This may be due to the company”s reduction in gross profit margin due to fierce price wars or falling sales volume caused by the industry downturn. It is related to its
own period expenses
. On the contrary, when the gross profit margin rebounds, the company”s period expenses will increase to a certain extent.
The industry”s overall operating cash flow has significant seasonal characteristics, and most sales collections are concentrated in Q4, which leads to an improvement
in overall cash flow. In 2019Q1-3, the industry”s overall operating net cash flow was 580 million yuan, accounting for 1.52% of operating income. There is a big gap between
this value and the whole year in previous years. Through the analysis of single-quarter data, it is found that the industry generally has negative operating net cash flow in the
first quarter, and there will be a substantial inflow of operating net cash
flow in the fourth quarter, thus driving the overall industry. Cash flow improved. China Merchants Bank Research Institute believes that this is mainly related to the industry”s
payment methods. Most companies in the industry will advance capital investment after receiving orders at the beginning of the year, resulting in greater cash flow outflow. As
the project settlement is gradually accepted and completed at the end of the year, payment collections are concentrated in the year. Tail release.
5. A drop in short-term prosperity will not change the long-term growth trend
In 2018, global industrial robot sales reached 422,000 units, a year-on-year increase of 11.05%. IFR predicts that the sales growth rate in 2019 will reach -0.24%. In
2018, the total sales of industrial robots in my country was approximately 154,000 units, accounting for 36.49% of global sales. It is still the largest industrial robot market in the world.
In 2018, the sales of industrial robots in my country reached US$5.4 billion, an increase of 21% over 2017. The decrease in sales volume but the increase in sales
indicate that the average value of each industrial robot used in my country is increasing, and the products are gradually moving from low-end to mid-to-high-end. . From the
perspective of industrial robot density, Singapore reached 831 units/ten thousand people in 2018, the highest in the world, followed by South Korea
(774 units) and Germany (338 units). my country”s industrial robot density was 140 units/ten thousand people, higher than the world”s Average for each region (99 units).
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