XN-GW-CANOPEN Многоточечный сенсорный дисплей EATON
современными требованиями дизайна. Как и XV303, конденсаторный многоточечный сенсорный дисплей поддерживает реализацию
современного пользовательского интерфейса (управление жестами)
и предлагает 7 – и 10 – дюймовые дисплеи, в том числе версии с высоким соотношением сторон 16: 9.
просто и требует меньше компонентов и инженерных работ, чем традиционная проводка. SmartWire – DT интегрирует связь и ввод / вывода
непосредственно в устройства управления, отображения и переключения, открывая новые возможности для инновационных и экономичных решений.
ABB: Запасные части для промышленных роботов серии DSQC, Bailey INFI 90, IGCT, например: 5SHY6545L0001 AC1027001R0101 5SXE10 – 0181, 5SHY3545 L0009, 5SHI3545L0010 3BHB013088 R0001 3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101, PM866, PM861K01, PM864, PM510V16, PPD512, PPPD113, PP836A, P865A, 877, PPP881, PPPP885, PPSL500000 4 3BHL00390P0104 5SGY35L4510 и т.д.
General Electric: запасные части, такие как модули, карты и приводы. Например: VMVME – 7807, VMVME – 7750, WES532 – 111, UR6UH, SR469 – P5 – HI – A20, IS230SRTDH2A, IS220PPDAH1B, IS215UCVEH2A, IC698CPE010, IS200SRTDH2ACB и т.д.
Система Bently Nevada: 350 / 3300 / 1900, предохранительные зонды и т.д., например: 3500 / 22M, 3500 / 32, 3500 / 15, 3500 / 23500 / 42M, 1900 / 27 и т.д.
Системы Invis Foxboro: Серия I / A, управление последовательностью FBM, трапециевидное логическое управление, обработка отзыва событий, DAC,
обработка входных / выходных сигналов, передача и обработка данных, такие как FCP270 и FCP280, P0904HA, E69F – TI2 – S, FBM230 / P0926GU, FEM100 / P0973CA и т.д.
Invis Triconex: Модуль питания, модуль CPU, модуль связи, модуль ввода – вывода, например 300830937214351B, 3805E, 831235114355X и т.д.
Вудворд: контроллер местоположения SPC, цифровой контроллер PEAK150, например 8521 – 0312 UG – 10D, 9907 – 149, 9907 – 162, 9907 – 164, 9907 – 167, TG – 13 (8516 – 038), 8440 – 1713 / D, 9907 – 018 2301A, 5466 – 258, 8200 – 226 и т.д.
Hima: модули безопасности, такие как F8650E, F8652X, F8627X, F8678X, F3236, F6217, F6214, Z7138, F8651X, F8650X и т.д.
Honeywell: Все платы DCS, модули, процессоры, такие как: CC – MCAR01, CC – PAIH01, CC – PAIH02, CC – PAIH51, CC – PAIX02, CC – PAON01, CC – PCF901, TC – CR014, TC – PD011, CC – PCNT02 и т.д.
Motorola: серии MVME162, MVME167, MVME172, MVME177, такие как MVME5100, MVME5500 – 0163, VME172PA – 652SE, VME162PA – 344SE – 2G и другие.
Xycom: I / O, платы VME и процессоры, такие как XVME – 530, XVME – 674, XVME – 957, XVME – 976 и т.д.
Коул Морган: Сервоприводы и двигатели, такие как S72402 – NANA, S6201 – 550, S20330 – SRS, CB06551 / PRD – B040SSIB – 63 и т. Д.
Bosch / Luxer / Indramat: модуль ввода / вывода, контроллер PLC, приводной модуль, MSK060C – 0600 – NN – S1 – UP1 – NNN, VT2000 – 52 / R900033828, MHD041B – 144 – PG1 – UN и т.д.
Thorsten Schmidt said: “Dynamic and static current sharing are crucial for the stable operation
of parallel modules. For the same power output, a system using SCALE-iFlex LT only requires five parallel
modules, while other manufacturers” solutions require six The
technical reason for achieving significant cost and complexity reduction is to ensure that the delay difference
between the turn-on and turn-off commands between modules is less than 20ns, and the current difference between modules is less than 20A when
conducting a rated current of 600A. This allows each module to Operates reliably without the need for current derating,
which is essential in less advanced drive solutions.”
Up to 6 EconoDUAL 3 or equivalent power modules can be connected in parallel from the same Insulated Master Control
(IMC) unit, making them more compact than conventional products. The module adapted gate driver (MAG) form factor
matches the EconoDUAL modules, each of which features two SCALE-2 ASICs (one per channel) to optimize parallel symmetry, increase efficiency and enhance protection.
The new SCALE-iFlex LT reduces switching losses by 3% to 5% because the SCALE-2 ASIC has an integrated push
stage for fast turn-on and turn-off. Power Integrations” Advanced Active Clamping (AAC) protection feature enables higher
DC bus voltages. In addition, a comprehensive set of other protection features including short-circuit protection
are available. The driver can provide 1700V reinforced insulation, and customers can choose whether to apply conformal paint.
The SCALE-iFlex Single Gate Driver uses Power Integrations” SCALE-2™ ASIC technology, which significantly
reduces component count compared to traditional products. The ASIC also provides
Advanced Active Clamping (AAC) overvoltage protection during normal operation, which is a vast improvement
over simple soft shutdown and adds additional protection in the event of a short circuit during turn-on.
AI950N | ABB | 3KDE175523L9500 Temperature Input Module
AO910N | ABB | Analog output module
PFTL201CE | ABB | PFTL 201CE Pillow block tensiometer horizontal load cell
PFTL201DE | ABB | PFTL 201DE Pillow block tensiometer horizontal load cell
PFTL201DE| ABB | PFTL 201DE Pillow block tensiometer horizontal load cell
PFTL201D | ABB | PFTL 201D Pillow block tensiometer horizontal load cell
PFVL 141C| ABB | PFVL141C round load cell
PFVL141R | ABB | PFVL 141R Ring load cell
PFVA401 | ABB | PFVA 401 Rolling force controller
B4233-1 | HIMA | B 4233-1 Security System Module
PFBL141B/C | ABB | PFBL 141B/C Vertical Force Test Unit
PFRL 101A| ABB | PFRL 101A radial load cell
PFRL101B | ABB | PFRL 101B Radial Load Cell
PFRL 101C| ABB | PFRL101C radial load cell
PFRL101D | ABB | PFRL 101D Radial Load Cell
PFCL301E | ABB | PFCL 301E Mini Web Tension Vertical Load Cell
PFTL 301E | ABB | PFTL301E Mini Web Tension Level Load Cell
PFSK167K01 3BSE048634R2 | ABB | Front Panel Kit Shield
PFSK193 3BSC990116R1 | ABB | Front Panel Kit Shield
PFSK152REP 3BSE018877R2 | ABB | Signal Concentrator Board
PFSK163V3 3BSE016323R3 | ABB | PFSK 163V3 Profibus communication board
PFSK163V1 3BSE016323R1 | ABB | Profibus communication board
PFSK126 3BSE002097R1 | ABB | server motherboard
PFSK163 3BSE016418R| ABB | PFSK 163 Channel Control Unit
PFSK126 3BSE002097R1 | ABB | Channel Control Unit
PFSK193 3BSC620104R1 | ABB | Computer motherboard
PFSK126 3BSE002097R1 | ABB | Signal processing board
PFSK110 YM322001-EP | ABB | Channel control panel
PFSK104 YM322001-EB | ABB | Signal processing board
PFSK110 YM322001-EP | ABB | Channel control unit
PFSK113 YM322001-ET | ABB | Amplifier sliding device
PFSK102 EXCYM322001-EG | ABB | Roll supply unit
PFTL 101B | ABB | PFTL101B Pillow block tensiometer
PFSK151 | ABB | DSP signal processing
PFCL201CD/CE | ABB | Vertical load cell for pillow block tensiometer
PFCL 201C | ABB | PFCL201C Pillow block tensiometer
PFTL 101A | ABB | PFTL101A Pillow block tensiometer
PFTL101AE | ABB | Pillow block tensiometer
PFTL 101A-0.5kN | ABB | PFTL101A load cell
PFTL101AER | ABB | Acid resistant type pillow block tensiometer
PFEA111 | ABB | Control unit
DSDI451 5716075-A | ABB | Digital input module
DSDI306 57160001-CM | ABB | Digital input circuit board
DSDI304 57160001-DB | ABB | Digital input module
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