hardware flow control. It is an ideal choice in the field of industrial automation.
3 Case Studies on Reducing Scrap Rates
Any product assembled or produced in a factory goes through a series of quality tests to determine whether it needs to be scrapped.
High scrap rates are caused by the opportunity cost of not delivering products to customers in a timely manner, wasted personnel time, wasted
non-reusable parts, and equipment overhead expenses. Reducing scrap rates is one of the main issues manufacturers need to address. Ways to
reduce scrap include identifying the root causes of low product quality.
3.1 Data processing
Root cause analysis begins by integrating all available data on the production line. Assembly lines, workstations, and machines make up the industrial
production unit and can be considered equivalent to IoT sensor networks. During the manufacturing process, information about process status,
machine status, tools and components is constantly transferred and stored. The volume, scale, and frequency of factory production considered in
this case study necessitated the use of a big data tool stack similar to the one shown in Figure 2 for streaming, storing, preprocessing, and
connecting data. This data pipeline helps build machine learning models on batch historical data and streaming real-time data. While batch
data analytics helps identify issues in the manufacturing process, streaming data analytics gives factory engineers regular access to the latest
issues and their root causes. Use Kafka ( and Spark streaming ( to transmit real-time
data from different data sources; use Hadoo ( ) and HBase ( to store data efficiently; use
Spark ( and MapReduce framework to analyze data. The two main reasons to use these tools are their availability as open
source products, and their large and active developer network through which these tools are constantly updated.
3BSE028140R0065 ABB Tension controller
3BHE037649R0101 ABB Industrial control module
3BHE025335R0121 ABB CP Power electronic module
3BHE019633R0101 ABB Power system module
3BHE042816R0101 ABB System power module
3BHE032025R1101 ABB Central processing unit
3BHE025541R0101 ABB Robot system spare parts
3BHE025541R0101 ABB Processor unit
NPCT-01C ABB Channel digital input
NMTU-21C 3BSE017429R1 ABB Thermal resistance power module
NF93A-2 HESG440280R2 ABB Power electronic module
NDCU-12C NDCU-12CK ABB Analog input subroutine
MSR04X1 ABB DCS power module
MC91 HESG440588R4 HESG112714/B ABB Pulse amplifier plate
3BHL000986P7000 ABB Processor end module
SG13433241070 ABB Modular redundant controller
GJR5252300R3101 ABB Communication control panel
3BHE046836R0101 ABB Controller system in stock
3BHE022294R0103 ABB Central processing unit
3BHE022294R0103 ABB Processor unit
PPD113-B03-23-111615 ABB Central processing unit
PP835 3BSE042234R1 Touch screen
ABB PP825A 3BSE042240R3 Touch screen
PP815A 3BSE042239R2 ABB Man-machine interface
PP836 3BSE043449R501 ABB Man-machine interface
PP820 3BSE042243R1 ABB Function key panel
TRICONEX 3805E Signal input/output module
PP826 3BSE042244R1 ABB Function key panel
RELIANCE ELECTRIC WR-D4008 Digital input module
RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4043 Distributed control system
RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4041 Programmable control system
RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4012 Channel analog input
RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4007 Programmable control system
RELIANCE ELECTRIC S-D4006 Multifunctional controller
NI SCXI-1520 strain input module
NI SCXI-1127 Multiplexer switch module
NI SCXI-1125 Voltage input module
NI SCXI-1000 SCXI Chassis NI
LAETUS LLS570-05 Laser scanner
GE WESDAC D20ME Digital input module
GE WES5302-150 I/O communication modules
GE WES5162 frame
GE WES5302-111 Distributed control system
GE WES5162-9101 Frame interface module
GE WES5123-2600 Analog output module
WES5123-1200 GE Analog input module
WES5120 5120-1106 GE Serial communication module
WES5120 5120-1506 GE Field controller master unit
PRG-MODEM GE 8-channel digital input
WES13-3 GE Pressure regulating device main control board
DL-1200/RTU GE Digital input module New spot
GE D20 MIC 10BASE-T I/O moduleFresh spot
Framework of GE D20 EME Fresh spot
GE D20 EME 10BASE-T I/O unit module New spot
D20 EME GE Analog input module Fresh spot
XV-440-10TVB-1-13-1 EATON Man-machine interface New spot
PU512V2 3BUR001401R1 ABB Digital input card New spot
1TGE120010R1300 ABB Digital input card Fresh spot
REG216 Robot drive power supply ABB
216NG63 Analog input board ABB
S-D4041 Analog input module RELIANCE ELECTRIC
WR-D4008 Analog input module RELIANCE ELECTRIC
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