высотой 3U, расположенный в раме управления под DSPX.
волоконно – оптический разъем на передней панели и передаются в модуль обнаружения заземления.
ABB: Запасные части для промышленных роботов серии DSQC, Bailey INFI 90, IGCT, например: 5SHY6545L0001 AC1027001R0101 5SXE10 – 0181, 5SHY3545 L0009, 5SHI3545L0010 3BHB013088 R0001 3BHE009681R0101 GVC750BE101, PM866, PM861K01, PM864, PM510V16, PPD512, PPPD113, PP836A, P865A, 877, PPP881, PPPP885, PPSL500000 4 3BHL00390P0104 5SGY35L4510 и т.д.
General Electric: запасные части, такие как модули, карты и приводы. Например: VMVME – 7807, VMVME – 7750, WES532 – 111, UR6UH, SR469 – P5 – HI – A20, IS230SRTDH2A, IS220PPDAH1B, IS215UCVEH2A, IC698CPE010, IS200SRTDH2ACB и т.д.
Система Bently Nevada: 350 / 3300 / 1900, предохранительные зонды и т.д., например: 3500 / 22M, 3500 / 32, 3500 / 15, 3500 / 23500 / 42M, 1900 / 27 и т.д.
Системы Invis Foxboro: Серия I / A, управление последовательностью FBM, трапециевидное логическое управление, обработка отзыва событий, DAC,
обработка входных / выходных сигналов, передача и обработка данных, такие как FCP270 и FCP280, P0904HA, E69F – TI2 – S, FBM230 / P0926GU, FEM100 / P0973CA и т.д.
Invis Triconex: Модуль питания, модуль CPU, модуль связи, модуль ввода – вывода, например 300830937214351B, 3805E, 831235114355X и т.д.
Вудворд: контроллер местоположения SPC, цифровой контроллер PEAK150, например 8521 – 0312 UG – 10D, 9907 – 149, 9907 – 162, 9907 – 164, 9907 – 167, TG – 13 (8516 – 038), 8440 – 1713 / D, 9907 – 018 2301A, 5466 – 258, 8200 – 226 и т.д.
Hima: модули безопасности, такие как F8650E, F8652X, F8627X, F8678X, F3236, F6217, F6214, Z7138, F8651X, F8650X и т.д.
Honeywell: Все платы DCS, модули, процессоры, такие как: CC – MCAR01, CC – PAIH01, CC – PAIH02, CC – PAIH51, CC – PAIX02, CC – PAON01, CC – PCF901, TC – CR014, TC – PD011, CC – PCNT02 и т.д.
Motorola: серии MVME162, MVME167, MVME172, MVME177, такие как MVME5100, MVME5500 – 0163, VME172PA – 652SE, VME162PA – 344SE – 2G и другие.
Xycom: I / O, платы VME и процессоры, такие как XVME – 530, XVME – 674, XVME – 957, XVME – 976 и т.д.
Коул Морган: Сервоприводы и двигатели, такие как S72402 – NANA, S6201 – 550, S20330 – SRS, CB06551 / PRD – B040SSIB – 63 и т. Д.
Bosch / Luxer / Indramat: модуль ввода / вывода, контроллер PLC, приводной модуль, MSK060C – 0600 – NN – S1 – UP1 – NNN, VT2000 – 52 / R900033828, MHD041B – 144 – PG1 – UN и т.д.
The globalization dividend and the demographic dividend are not discussed here, but where do we start talking
about the talent dividend? In fact, the definition of talent is different at different stages. As long as it can meet the
needs at that time, it can be said to be a talent, so we have actually been enjoying the talent dividend in the past.
The first stage of my country”s manufacturing industry is labor-intensive industries, which take advantage of
low labor prices, such as clothing, shoes and hats, electronic assembly, etc.
The most important thing at this stage is a large population and enough diligence. A large population means low
prices, and enough diligence can ensure efficiency. This does not require any technology or knowledge, and even
illiteracy can be competent. Therefore, the number of farmers is still very large today. The worker group, the talent at this
stage, drives the development of my country”s manufacturing industry.
The second stage of manufacturing is capital-intensive industries, such as automobile assembly, steel machinery and
other large industries. The key to this stage is basic education and infrastructure.
3BDH000002R1 Industrial module ABB
PM802F Industrial module ABB
3BDH000032R1 Industrial module ABB
3BDH000530R1 Industrial module ABB
PM803F Industrial module ABB
PM803F 3BDH000530R1 ABB
PM820-1 3BSE010797R1 ABB
PM820-2 3BSE010798R1 ABB
3BSE010797R1 Industrial controller ABB
PM820-1 Industrial controller ABB
3BSE010798R1 Industrial controller ABB
PM820-2 Industrial controllerABB
3BSE010800R1 Industrial controllerABB
PM825-1 Industrial controllerABB
PM825-1 3BSE010800R1 ABB
3BSE018157R1 Industrial controller
PM861AK01 Industrial controller ABB
PM861AK01 3BSE018157R1 ABB
3BSE018105R1 Industrial controller ABB
PM861K01 Industrial controller ABB
PM861K01 3BSE018105R1 ABB
3BSE018161R1 Industrial controller
PM864AK01 Industrial controller ABB
PM864AK01 3BSE018161R1 ABB
3BSE018161R2 Industrial controller ABB
PM864AK01-eA Industrial controller ABB
PM864AK01-eA 3BSE018161R2 ABB
3BSE031151R1 Industrial controller ABB
PM865K01 Industrial controller ABB
PM865K01 3BSE031151R1 ABB
PM866-2 Industrial module ABB
3BSE081230R1 Industrial module ABB
PM866-2 3BSE050201R1 ABB
PM866A-2 Industrial module ABB
PM866A-2 3BSE081230R1 ABB
3BSE007913R50 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL201C50KN Tension sensor ABB
3BSE050198R1 Industrial controller ABB
PM866K01 Industrial controller ABB
PFTL201C 50KN 3BSE007913R50 ABB
3BSE004160R1 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101A0.5KN Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101A 0.5KN 3BSE004160R1 ABB
3BSE004166R1 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101A1.0KN Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101A1.0KN 3BSE004166R1 ABB
3BSE004185R1 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101B2.0KN Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101B2.0KN 3BSE004185R1 ABB
3BSE004203R1 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101B20KN Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101B20KN 3BSE004203R1 ABB
3BSE004191R1 Tension sensor ABB
PFTL101B5.0KN Tension sensor ABB
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