IMDSI14 Использование параметров ABB
Швейцария, и входит в десятку крупнейших швейцарских транснациональных корпораций.IMDSI14
химическая, нефтехимическая, фармацевтическая, целлюлозно – бумажная, нефтепереработка; Оборудование приборов: электронные приборы, телевизоры и оборудование для передачи данных,
генераторы, гидротехнические сооружения; Каналы связи: интегрированные системы, системы сбора и распространения;IMDSI14Строительная промышленность: коммерческое и промышленное строительство.
In the welding workshop of the new energy vehicle capacity expansion project, a highly automated and intelligent body-in-white
welding production line is about to be completed, and hundreds of robots are being installed and debugged in an orderly
manner. “The entire line uses 219 robots, using a number of innovative advanced technologies such as independently developed
ultra-high-speed conveying and NC flexible positioning systems.” Sun Zhiqiang, chairman of Guangzhou Risong Intelligent Technology Co.,
Ltd., said that thanks to the growth of the new energy vehicle market With rapid growth, Risong Technology has delivered more
than 20 sets of new energy vehicle production lines, and orders are expected to grow significantly this year.
According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, domestic industrial robot production increased by 57.4%
year-on-year in August; from January to August, domestic industrial robot production increased by 63.9% year-on-year.
——Behind “63.9%” is the continued recovery of the prosperity of the downstream manufacturing industry.
“As an important project of fixed asset investment, the industrial robot industry is a barometer of the operation of my
country”s manufacturing industry.” said Zuo Shiquan, director of the Policy Planning Division of the Equipment Industry
Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the first eight months, my country”s new
energy vehicle production and sales increased 1.9 times year-on-year. The cumulative output of photovoltaic cells and
lithium-ion batteries increased by 48.1% and 38.7% respectively. The prosperity of the downstream manufacturing application
end has rebounded, driving the industrial robot industry to regain its growth momentum.
——Behind “63.9%” is the acceleration of digital and intelligent transformation of my country’s manufacturing enterprises.
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