hardware flow control. It is an ideal choice in the field of industrial automation.Under this circumstance, in what directions is segmentation technology updated and iterated? How can technology better empower
industry applications? How can technology help companies discover new business models?
In this session, guests will focus on ” the promotion and empowerment of smart society by 5G communication technology”, “the
latest application of smart sensing in the field of Internet of Things”, “the integration and value of Internet of Things, big data and cloud
computing” “, “Application and Prospects of UWB (Ultra-Wideband) Technology in the Consumer Field”, “Analysis of Progress and Potential
of Internet of Things Platforms” and other topics will be shared.
Sharing guests:
Chen Yuheng
General Manager of Smart Network Technology Center of China Mobile Internet of Things Co., Ltd.
He has worked in China Mobile”s network technology lines and IoT companies for many years. He has rich network expertise and rich experience
in IoT industry applications. He is currently responsible for the expansion of China Mobile”s strategic industry product ONEPARK 5G smart park.
Gong Lingsong
General Manager of TE Connectivity Sensor Division China Business
General Manager of TE Sensor Business Unit in China, Master of Electronics and Telecommunications from the University of Liverpool, UK. He has
more than 16 years of sensor-related work experience, including 6 years of R&D, design and management of pressure and temperature and humidity
engineering. He has served as a temperature and humidity engineering manager and 10 years of sales experience in the fields of automobiles, industrial
and consumer goods. He has led the application of various sensors in automobiles and engines. , leading applications in home appliances and industrial control fields.
Nie Jing
General Manager of Tencent Cloud IoT and Big Data Product Center
UN 0810A-P Var.2 HIER 448740 R2 Unitrol UN0810A-P module
UN 0807C-P Var.1 HIER 460271 R1 UNITROL
UN 0807B-P Var.1 Unitrol module
UN 0802A-P Var.1 HIER 452076 R1 UNITROL
UN 0801A-P Var.1 HIER 448503 R1 module ABB UNITROL
UN 0800A-P VAR.1 HEIR448194 ABB UNITROL excitation
UN 0720a-P Var.1 HIER443950PI ABB UNITROL module
UN 07209-P Var.1 HIER448877 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0712a-P Var.1 HIER448888R1 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0711b-P Var.1 HIER448871R2 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0710b-P Var.1 HIER449696R1 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0701b Var.1 HIER452221R1 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0700b-P Var.1 HIER449248R1 ABB UNITROL module
871TM-BH8N18-N3 Inductive sensor
UN 0510d-P Var.2 HIER 319619 R2 pulse control module
UN 0503a-P Var.1 HEIR448075R0001 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0503B-P Var.1 HEIR 448075 R2 ABB UNITROL module
UN 0094a-P V.1 HEIR443259R1 test module
UN 0089a-P V.1 HEIR445991R0001 Adapter Print Module
UN 0090a-P V.1 HEIR445926R0001 Sum module ABB UNITROL
UN 0084b-P Var. 1 HEIR445543R0001 Diode Module
106M1081-01 Universal AC Power Input Module
UN 0077a-P V.1 HEIR318418R0001 ABB UNITROL summary and monitoring module
UN 0074a-P V.1HEIR440820R0001 Output signal limiter module
UN 0056a-P V.1 HEIR319429R0001 pulse terminal monitoring module
UN 0053c-P V1 HEIR318757R0001 pulse monitoring module
UN 0040B-P HEIR318790R1 pulse comparator module
UN 0031a-P V.1 HEIR319404R0001 power signal converter module
UN0026 HEIR443243R1 UN0026 Module
UN 0025a-P V.1 HEIR441987R0001 Current indicator module
UN 0006a-P V.1 EIR315104R1 Voltage regulator module
UN 0004a-P V.1 HEIR 316364 R1 pulse intermediate stage module UN0004a-P V.1
KX 9190a HIEE320466R1 Excitation system
HIEE220280R11 KU7461d ABB module Excitation regulator
UNS0980c-P V3 HIEE405205 R3
UNS0982b-P V1 HIEE405087R1 ABB UNITROL series
UNC4672a-P, V1 HIEE205012R0001 Measuring Interface
HIEE205014R0001 UNC 4673A,V.1 Measuring Interface Uni
3BSE007836R1 DSTYW121 Voltage Transformer Unit
SS110 3BSE007698R1 Voting Unit DC 24V
UVC 691 204-691-000-021 Vibration Processor Module
UVC 752 204-752-000-014 Vibration Processor Module
PLD 772 254-772-00-212 Vibro-Meter Digtal Display Module
PAA758 254-758-000-104 Vibro-Meter Indicator Module
GSI 130 Galvanic Separation Unit
APF 184 204-000-012 Vibro-Meter Power Supply Module
VIBRO-METER APF 160 Power Supply
ACP006 Control Panel Module Vibro-Meter
ACM 215 VIBRO-METER 204-215-000-101 Module
ABF 160 Power Supply Module Vibro-Meter
A6500-TP Temperature / Process Card
204-007-000-102/5174 Vibro-Meter U/I Module
204-007-000-102 Vibro-Meter U/I Module
3500/15-05-05-05 Ac and DC power modules
CP103 piezoelectric pressure sensor Vibro-Meter
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