CMA137 Контроллер ABB
Швейцария, и входит в десятку крупнейших швейцарских транснациональных корпораций.CMA137
химическая, нефтехимическая, фармацевтическая, целлюлозно – бумажная, нефтепереработка; Оборудование приборов: электронные приборы, телевизоры и оборудование для передачи данных,
генераторы, гидротехнические сооружения; Каналы связи: интегрированные системы, системы сбора и распространения;CMA137Строительная промышленность: коммерческое и промышленное строительство.
Power Integrations (Nasdaq: POWI), a well-known company deeply involved in gate driver technology for medium and high voltage inverter
applications, today launched SCALE -i Flex ™ for the popular “new dual-channel” 100mm x 140mm IGBT module. Single gate driver and new
plug-and-play SCALE-iFlex™ LT dual-channel gate driver.
SCALE-iFlex™ Single
The new SCALE-iFlex™ Single compact driver supports modules with a withstand voltage of up to 3.3kV and is now available for customers
to complete design import. SCALE-iFlex Single Gate Drivers are ideal for light rail, renewable energy generation, and other high-reliability
applications that require a compact, rugged driver solution.
Thorsten Schmidt, product marketing manager at Power Integrations, said: “The form factor of the SCALE-iFlex Single gate driver has been
specifically designed to fit perfectly with the latest standard IGBT power modules, including Mitsubishi LV100/HV100, Infineon xHP2 and xHP3, ABB LinPak, Hitachi nHPD² and others.”
3HNA015149-001 Electric machine
3HAC040658-001Electric machine
3HAC026272-001 module
3HAC025917-001 Digital input/output module
3HAC025562-00106 Capacitance unit
3HAC025562-001 Capacitance unit
3HAC025466-001 fan
3HAC025338-006 Servo drive unit
3HAC17484-8108 Rotating ac motor
3HAC17326-102 Motor M26 Type B
3HAC16831-1 LITHIUM 34X102X63
3BE101 Digital input/output module
3BDH000741R1 Temperature input
3AUA0000040000 Drive maintenance tool
3ASC25H204 Power module
3AFE61320946P0001 Central processing
2RCA007120D2RCA007128A0001C relay
2RCA006836A0001E Feeder protection
2RCA006835A0002E2RCA021946B Output adapter module
2RAA005904A0001 Operating interface
2N3A8204-B transistor
2MLL-EFMTB-CC Ethernet
2DS100.60-1 Automated production line
2CP200.60-1 Industrial PC
2CCS862001R0105 High performance circuit breaker
1X00797H01L Power module.
1X00781H01L Decentralized control system
1X00416H01 Power module
1VCF752000 Feeder terminal
1TGE120028R0010 System interface
1TGE120021R0010 Configuration switch
1TGE120011R1001 Driving power supply
1SVR040000R1700 Universal signal converter
1SNA684252R0200 Ethernet converter
1SAR700012R0005 Pluggable interface relay
Analog input/output module 1SAP250100R0001
Terminal unit 1SAJ924007R0001
1MRS050729 Ethernet gateway
1C31124G01 module
1C31116G04 Voltage band temperature sensor
0-60028-2 Driver interface module
0-60023-5 Ac power module
0-60007-2 Drive power module
0-57510 Variable speed driver
0-57100 Variable speed driver
0-51378-25 Gate coupling plate
0-57C405-C Driving module
YPP105F ABB Raise peripherals
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