5SDF1045H0002 Использование параметров ABB
Швейцария, и входит в десятку крупнейших швейцарских транснациональных корпораций.5SDF1045H0002
химическая, нефтехимическая, фармацевтическая, целлюлозно – бумажная, нефтепереработка; Оборудование приборов: электронные приборы, телевизоры и оборудование для передачи данных,
генераторы, гидротехнические сооружения; Каналы связи: интегрированные системы, системы сбора и распространения;5SDF1045H0002Строительная промышленность: коммерческое и промышленное строительство.
Currently, the two most popular database management systems in the world are Oracle and MySQL,
both products of Oracle Corporation. Competitors include products from IBM and Microsoft. Oracle, IBM,
Microsoft and Teradata are several American companies that account for most of the market share.
Domestic products in database management systems also have market share, but it is only a fraction.
Their stability and performance cannot convince the market. Companies such as banks, telecommunications
, and electric power companies that require extreme stability will not consider domestic products.
SEM 28″Scanning electron microscope has “weak eyesight” and it is difficult to see clearly in industrial
manufacturing” (Science and Technology Daily, July 3)
Scanning electron microscope, a high-end electronic optical instrument, is widely used in various research
fields and industrial sectors such as
materials, biology, medicine, metallurgy, chemistry and semiconductors. It is called a “microscopic camera”
and is currently used by scientific research and industrial sectors in my country. The scanning electron microscopes
used rely heavily on imports. Every year, my country spends more than 100 million US dollars to purchase hundreds
of scanning electron microscopes, mainly
produced in the United States, Japan, Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries. Domestic scanning electron
microscopes only account for about 5%-10%.
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